Feeling stuck in the annual goal-setting trap? You’re not alone. Many coaches start the year with big dreams, only to find those goals gathering dust by December. This frustrating cycle can leave you feeling like you’re not making the most of your time.

But what if I told you there’s a better way? A way to break down your goals into manageable, 90-day chunks that keep you focused and motivated all year long. That’s where the 12-week year process comes in, a game-changer devised by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington. 

By shifting your mindset from annual to quarterly planning, you’ll create a sense of urgency and clarity that can propel your business forward.

So, are you ready to make the next three months your most productive yet? Think of this as your condensed guide to achieving more in less time.

Set a Realistic Income Goal

First things first, let’s talk money. What’s your target income for Q2? This should be a number that stretches you but is still within reach, based on your business’s growth trajectory. And remember, this isn’t about keeping up with the Joneses (or the Instagram coaches). Your goal should be tailored to your unique business needs and aspirations.

Take some time to reflect on your past performance and future potential. What would a successful quarter look like for you financially? Write that number down and keep it in sight as you plan your next steps.

Focus on Your Key Offers

Instead of trying to be everything to everyone, zero in on 1-2 offers that truly resonate with your audience and align with your income goal. Think about the products or services that have been successful in the past and any new ideas you’re excited to explore.

Consider creating a mix of offers that cater to different stages of your customer’s journey – from free resources that attract new leads to mid-tier offerings and your signature program. This way, you can meet your audience and potential clients where they are, giving them wins while guiding them through your value ladder.

Crunch the Numbers

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. To turn your income goal into reality, break it down into the number of clients or students you need for each offer. For example, if your goal is to sign 3 new clients for your coaching program, and you know your conversion rate is 20%, you’ll need to get your offer in front of at least 60 people.

Example: With an income goal of $12,000 and a 20% conversion rate, here’s how the numbers would work out:

  • Set a Realistic Income Goal:
    • Your target income for Q2 is $12,000.
  • Focus on Your Key Offers:
    • Assuming you’re focusing on one main offer, such as a coaching program priced at $1,000 per client.
  • Crunch the Numbers:
    • To reach your income goal of $12,000, you would need to sign up 12 clients ($12,000 / $1,000 per client = 12 clients).
    • With a 20% conversion rate, you would need to get your offer in front of 60 people to sign up 12 clients (12 clients / 20% conversion rate = 60 people).

This step is all about making your goal tangible and actionable. You can create a focused marketing and sales strategy by understanding the exact numbers you need to hit.

Expand Your Reach

With your target audience size in mind, it’s time to brainstorm ways to increase your visibility and attract new leads. Collaborations, guest blogging, podcast interviews, and social media partnerships are just a few ways to tap into new networks and introduce your business to a broader audience.

Think about where your ideal clients hang out online and how you can show up there in a meaningful way. The more people you can get your offers in front of, the closer you’ll be to reaching your quarterly goals.

Craft Your Marketing Plan

Now that you have a clear picture of your offers and audience growth strategy, it’s time to map out your marketing and sales plan. Consider the channels and tactics that have worked well for you in the past and any new approaches you want to try.

  • Will you launch a new email campaign, run a special promotion, or use collaborations to your advantage? 
  • How will you nurture leads and convert them into customers? 

Lay out your plan step by step, and make sure it aligns with your overall business strategy.

Build Your Support Network

Last but not least, remember that success is a team sport. Whether it’s hiring a virtual assistant, working with a business coach, or leaning on a supportive community, make sure you have the right people in your corner.

Think about the areas of your business where you could use some extra help or support. It could be delegating administrative tasks, getting accountability for your goals, or finding a mentor to guide you through challenging decisions. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Following these six steps and embracing the 12-week year process, you’ll set yourself up for a productive quarter. 

Remember, it’s not about overhauling your entire business in three months – it’s about taking focused, strategic actions that move you closer to your goals. Here’s to a successful quarter ahead!

Looking for more support?

Membership in the Visibility Builders Society includes quarterly planning. For less than you’d pay for a nice dinner out – this membership gives you the roadmap to amplify your online presence and add 100’s to your email list (without launches, Facebook ads or burning out on social).

Ready to spend more of your time doing what you do best!


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