by joycelayman | coaching, goals, Mindset, planning, podcast, relationships, success
Success is a vast topic that can be hard to define. Depending on which business guru you read there are four, five, six, or seven pillars of success necessary to run an optimal business. It’s easy to get bogged down by all the conflicting advice. What does it...
by joycelayman | attract clients online, client clarity, coaching, networking, planning
It’s not always easy to get dream clients, even if you’ve put in all the work to build your business. You could spend hours posting on every social network, or hiring a PR team for months and still not see any results. But what if there was a way to get...
by joycelayman | client clarity, coaching, coaching offers, offers
With so many free and paid offers one is bombarded with regularly, it’s easy to get confused about (or overwhelmed) which offer is the best one to meet your potential clients where they are at. If you’re trying to educate your target audience on random things...