You’ve heard that you need to create a lead magnet if you want to increase your business, but you don’t know where to start.

It’s not enough just to have a lead magnet. You also need a landing page that converts visitors into subscribers. Without this, all your hard work will go to waste.

Creating an irresistible lead magnet doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to create a high-converting lead magnet landing page in 3 simple steps…

I often get asked, how do you create a landing page that actually converts? A “lead magnet” is simply an opt-in offer that you give away in exchange for your website visitors’ contact information. This can be in the form of a PDF, video or audio recording, or even just a simple checklist.

Your goal in creating a lead magnet is to come up with something irresistible that will incentivize your website visitors to take action and sign up for your offer. Once you have their contact information, you can then follow up with them and continue building the relationship.

Step #1: Create Your Lead Magnet

The first step is obviously to create your lead magnet. If you want people to sign up for your offer, it needs to be something that they will actually find valuable and want to receive.

Your lead magnet should be specific and solve a specific problem that your target audience is facing. It should also be something you can easily create yourself without spending too much time or money.

Keep it simple at first – you can always create more complex offerings down the road. Some examples of popular lead magnets are:

  • Checklists
  • Templates
  • Resource lists
  • Training videos

Want more ideas (and a Canva template too)? Grab my lead magnet quick start guide here.

Once you know what type of lead magnet you want to create, it’s time to move on to step number 2…

Step #2: Write Compelling Copy For Your Landing Page

Your next step is to write the copy for your landing page. Remember, the goal of your landing page is to get people to sign up for your offer, so every element on the page should be geared towards that goal.

Your headline should be eye-catching and make a promise that your lead magnet will deliver on. For example, “Discover The 10X Formula For Turning Your Leads Into Sales” or “The 5-Day Video Challenge That Will Double Your Traffic & Sales”.

Your subheadline should further elaborate on what someone will learn or discover by signing up for your offer.

And finally, your call-to-action (CTA) button should clearly state what someone will receive by taking action – such as “Get Instant Access!” or “Send Me The Checklist!”

In addition to great headline and copywriting formulas, make sure you also use images on your landing page as well since they can help increase conversions by over 94%! Include an image of yourself along with an image of what they will receive after they sign up as well as where they will be able to access it (i.e. their email inbox).

Adding social proof elements such as testimonials from past customers or well-known industry experts can also help increase the conversion rate of your landing page so don’t forget to include those as well!

Next up…

Step #3: Set Up Your Email Integration & Thank You Page

Finally, the last step is setting up your email integration and thank you page. You need somewhere to deliver your lead magnet after someone takes action and signs up for it, right? That place is called an email integration system, such as MailChimp, Karta, etc.), which allows you to collect leads and automatically deliver your freebie directly into their inbox.

Setting this component up correctly is important because it helps streamline the process so that everything happens automatically without any manual effort from you. As soon as someone signs up for your offer, they should immediately receive access via email and a message from you thanking them for taking action. Many people also like including additional bonuses or incentive offers on their thank you pages which further increase conversions! So definitely consider adding something extra like this once someone takes action on your landing page.

And there you have it – 3 simple steps for creating an irresistible lead magnet landing page that converts! Just remember that simplicity is key when putting together both your offer and landing page so that everything comes together quickly and easily without any stress or headaches!

Do YOU have a great lead magnet? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!


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Grab the Ultimate Lead Magnet Formula for FREE! Create an Irresistible Lead Magnet Your Audience Will Actually Want To Sign Up For + a Canva template

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