Do you sometimes wish you could charge more than you do? Maybe… a LOT more? Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to help you with on this week’s show, where you’ll learn how to confidently charge what you’re worth and attract clients who see the value of working with you so the investment is a no-brainer.

I’m assuming since you are listening to this podcast, you can create great results for clients. You have gifts and skills, that are worth more than you’re getting paid right now. It’s not just about getting paid more, it’s about getting the work that you want and deserve. When you charge what you’re worth, you attract better clients who respect your time and skills.

Here are a few things you’ll learn in this episode:

  • How using a framework or method suggests important beliefs to your client
  • Why your confidence level will determine how many people say ‘yes’ to you. 
  • Two questions to help you define outcomes that turn a need it into a want it
  • Value levers
  • The importance of an onboarding process as part of an offer with a premium price

And so much more!

Looking for other episodes? Check out my podcast page HERE.

Would love to know your thoughts! Comment on this post or tag me on social @joycelayman!

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