Welcome to the re-launch of the In Layman’s Terms podcast! In my 46 previous episodes, I had the chance to interview some amazing CEOs across the country. The goal was to help you shorten the learning curve and succeed in business through the power of your relationships. Business changes and with that, the focus of my podcast did too.

The intent of Season 2 is to give you 20 minutes or less of power-packed tactics without the fluff. You’ll walk away from each episode with simple strategies and actionable tips to help you stand out online, serve more clients and make a bigger impact….without the overwhelm.

Let’s do this!

Here are some of the things I talk about in this episode:

  • Why nailing down clarity is a must in today’s overcrowded online world
  • The easiest way to get clarity about what you do
  • Two sides of the clarity process (and why it’s not about you)
  • Three tips to help you define who you serve
  • How to position your message in the marketplace so people want to work with you

…and a whole lot more.

I also promised the value statement (so what do you do) templates:

The simple framework: I help ____________ do _____________ so they can ______________.

Longer framework: I help ____________ (your ideal client/customer) to do ____________(their superficial desire) by ___________ (your unique strategy or differentiating factor) so that they can _______________ (your ideal client’s ultimate transformation).


I’d love to hear from you on this! Did it resonate? Let me know in the comments below, or find me on Instagram and DM me or tag me in your stories!

And…if you’d like to get more free business building tips and be part of a community with like-minded business owners, join us in the Online Entrepreneurs & Coaches Collective right HERE

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In today's social selling landscape you need to know how to find new opportunities, build new connections and leverage your existing relationships into profitable referral partnerships. Contact me to find out how.