by joycelayman | attitude, confidence, imposter syndrome, inspiration, Mindset, relationships, self talk
Have you ever felt like a fraud? That you’re not qualified to be doing what you’re doing? That one day, everyone is going to realize that you’re a fake? If so, then you’re not alone. Welcome to impostor syndrome. Impostor syndrome is defined as “a psychological...
by joycelayman | entrepreneurship, networking, relationships, sales
Developing powerful partnerships is a great way to increase your visibility and have a ‘sales force’ to market your business, but it’s not always clear how to go about it. Knowing where to start when looking for a partnership can be tough. You might...
by joycelayman | coaching, goals, Mindset, planning, podcast, relationships, success
Success is a vast topic that can be hard to define. Depending on which business guru you read there are four, five, six, or seven pillars of success necessary to run an optimal business. It’s easy to get bogged down by all the conflicting advice. What does it...
by joycelayman | business, community, goals, planning, relationships
You’ve probably heard a lot of different definitions for success, and it can be tough to know what really matters. It’s easy to get bogged down by all the conflicting advice out there. What does it mean to be successful? How do you achieve success? The 5...
by joycelayman | branding, content marketing, relationships
Telling your story is one of the most authentic ways to build a connection with your audience and potential clients. Stories are powerful tools for fostering trust, and they play a key role in attraction marketing—the practice of drawing in your ideal clients by...
by joycelayman | business, networking, relationships
As human beings, we like to think that the time we put into networking is worth something. Day in and day out, the effort of making connections has us bouncing from event to event. It seems like all we do is attend networking events, but where is our ROI (return on...